Friday, July 15, 2016

Day 197

 trying to make his bed, so he decides it's the best time to roll around like a crazy monkey

Look at all that hair! All of a sudden he has a ton! He likes to stand in the fan and let it blow.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day 196

Today Harrison ate paint

My kids failed at cleaning up

And we went to the park, where it promptly started to rain.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day 195

Ethan is practicing for carrying his heavy middle school backpack. He tried to carry Link, but he was too long and heavy. He did really good carrying H though. Link got comfy on Daddy and passed out (even though he threw a fit because he didnt' want to touch Daddy).

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 194

19 Months Old!
That means he's going to be a big brother soon. EEEK!
He talks so much, can count to 5 (sort of), loves to dance and sing.

He was telling me he could see the moon!


Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 193

Sunday Morning Splash Pad fun

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Day 192

Never start anything with Lincoln. He now wants to go on a "family walk" every night. Bill has duty today, so we only had a few minutes, so we went a different route. He started crying and telling us we were going the wrong way. He's so bossy.

Day 191

We walked a bit further tonight, so the babies rode in the wagon. About halfway home, H wanted to walk, but his little leg was asleep and he fell over. Then he wanted me to carry him, not Daddy, not the wagon, had to be me.

8:00 slushie? Why not

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 190

We went for a walk after dinner tonight. Ended up at the park and splash park. Lincoln wanted to play in the park with bro bro and Harrison got soaking wet and had to walk the whole way home lol.

Day 189

Today I had my 36 week check up. The NP said that she is measuring big, so we had to go up to the hospital to get my fluid checked (it's normal and she's still a girl, woo). We get to go back up in a few weeks for a growth scan and see if they will induce early due to size. Anyways, they babies were thrilled.

Harrison found Millie's wubbanub and decided to go back to his babydom of liking pacifiers that lasted all of a week or two.

Day 188

Today we cleaned the playroom. Took down the computer desk that we never use, and I thought it would make more space but somehow it's still crammed full. How long do you think it can stay clean?

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 187

Happy 4th of July!!!

We ate hotdogs (because who doesn't eat hotdogs on this day)

Then we went down to the carnival/concert

We bought $20 of tickets

This crappy "game" was $2 a try, but Link wanted to try it so we let him.
He won a rubber ducky.

 Then this guy wanted a turn, and who could deny that face??

 He won a stress ball shaped like a cat, that he promptly bit and broke into 5 pieces.

Then 6 tickets were spent on balloons - one batman, one mickey mouse. They popped before we left.

Next, they spotted the ponies. Our last 10 tickets.

In line, Link was scared and wanted me to walk around with him. Then we got up there, and he was like "I got this". Bill said, "Are you sure?", he grabbed his face and was like "I GOT THIS" and he did lol.

Harrison liked it too. He kept saying yee haw!

 Time for the concert, the best picture of the 3 of them I got today. Sad but true.
No denying they are brothers, neither can open their eyes for a picture lolJuice

Juice guts

Dancing to Daughtry

Millie was there too, of course. 36 weeks, only 4 to go. Yikes!!

Superbaby flying high

It started to rain, so we decided to go home and eat and watch the fireworks from there. Probably a good decision because though he liked them, he did not like the noise and was a bit scared. And he says they didn't have enough blue ones.

Day 186

Haircut Part Deux came out way better than the first!

We tried to dye it green, but his hair is too dark. Now deciding if we should bleach it and try again or take him to a salon and leave it to the professionals.

You can see his cute face again!!