Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day 122

So my mom brought the boys lots of treats & goodies, and among them was this lovely yellow foam. We aren't really sure what it's for, but it says outdoor use only, and do not aim in the face and do not use at weddings. They liked painting themselves with it, hopefully it comes out of their clothes.

Day 121

Pie Face!!

Despite the pictures, he won.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Day 120

32 months!!

Knows all his colors
Can count to twelve
Speaks in complete sentences
Loves: Blaze and the Monster Machines,  Max & Ruby, and Batman. Playing in the sandbox and water. Picking on his brothers.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Day 119

Dirty faces --- check
Hanging out the windows like crazies ---- check
Being super adorable ---- check

I almost feel like this is a glimpse into their future LOL. Drunk guys in a frat house or something.

Day 118

Is there anything better than clean, good smelling babies?

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Day 117

I'm adding give the cozy coupe a new paint job to bill's list of things to fix, this thing is looking rough. I'm pretty certain the chick I bought it from did not use the proper paint, because the playhouse that was painted at the same time does not have any issues. This thing is terrible. Every time they play in it, their little hands are covered with paint chips.

I tried to get a picture of his Army PT outfit that used to be Ethan's, but you know, he's sassy, so this is what you get.

Day 116

When I was pulling my Silhouette machine out of the closet, we found Lincoln's bike helmet that he got for Christmas. Of course, he immediately HAD to "ride" his bike.

When we went outside, Bill noticed that his car window was jacked up, and yep, it was broken into. Stereo along with some of his Army equipment stolen. Not cool.

He crashed and then abandoned his bike and took off running LOL he may get his bike riding skills from me. Sorry, Link.

Day 115

He thinks he's so super cool when he get a hold of the PlayStation controller and turns it on. The sound dings and he gets sooo happy. He's "playing" Netflix.

Waiting for Lincoln to finish his lunch when we ran out for errands. I thought Ethan was a slow eater, Ethan was done at least 20 minutes before Lincoln today.

And he must eat with his feet on the table. He's so gross. But at least he eats.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Day 114

He really thought he was going to climb up the side of the swingset.

 They both like to lay on my kitchen rugs, it's weird.
Trying on his 4th of July outfit. All 3 boys have the same shirt, I love when that happens.

Happy Earth Day!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Day 112

Harrison is very smart, he talks more than Lincoln did at 16 months, but sometimes simple things seem to confuse him, like not holding the popsicle by the holder but by the cold part. Maybe he has taken a few too many bonks to the head.

 Then this child, decided he wanted the blue popsicle, so stole it from his baby brother, who then took the purple one. Well, then of course, Lincoln decided no, he wanted the purple one back, so he rubbed the blue one on the ground and said "haha, baby's is dirty". Then threw a fit when baby got to finish the purple one.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day 111

This guy decided he wanted a picnic. Drug his blanket outside to the grass, spread it out for about 10 minutes, then laid down and said "Ah, this is the life". I don't know where he hears these things.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day 110

Our first attempt at an indoor "photoshoot" He wasn't into it.

Ethan was super proud that he changed Harrison's diaper while I took a shower. Notice anything a bit off? LOL

Lincoln made his I craft finally. Mommy only slacked for about 4 months since we did H.

I'm thinking he needs a haircut lol

And Millie got her first sunglasses, which Harrison promptly scratched.

Day 109

 No Harrison, we do not climb up the slide. That is how you hurt your face last week.

What you talking bout Mama?

See I can do it, I'm so big.

Oh, what? I almost busted my face again? Oh well, I still think I'm funny and will try to climb up the slide one million more times.

He must have worn himself out though, because he fell asleep like this.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 108

Disney movie night #2 - Star Wars the Force Awakens

We had Yoda Soda (Lincoln liked it), Han-burgers & Vader Tators.

Of course we had to have lightsaber fights. It came down to Daddy & Harrison, and Daddy won. Can't believe he felt good taking down a one year old.

Then we watched the movie. Lincoln fell asleep a half hour in, woke him up 15 minutes later, and then he sorta watched it. He liked the bad guys of course. Harrison ran around like a crazy person (no surprise) and Ethan begged to leave half way through. Typical!