Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31

Happy Halloween!

Ethan's class had a field trip to a dairy farm/pumpkin patch. It was pretty cute, but smelly. There was a sweet little baby calf that you could pet, but E refused to touch it. We went through a cornmaze and got to pick a little pumpkin that I'm going to cook up and make some pumpkin bread out of tomorrow.
This was my group, the little girl is Ethan's girlfriend this year, Katelyn.

Notice anything .... odd ... about this scarecrow???

We carved our pumpkin when we got home...he has been wanting to make a puking one all year, so we finally did it. It turned out funny.

We ended up going to the local church fall Fest - he got to play games and get lots of candy. Then we came home and trick or treated around the block - his bag was overflowing when we got home!

October 29

We went to see "Puss in Boots" - such a cute movie! Ethan was a huge pig and ate all of his popcorn snack pack, all his candy, his whole slushie and sucked down most of mine!

We also went to the Shriner's Halloween Bash - so not for little kids! I am a huge chicken, and I fully admit it, but I don't think zombies & chainsaws are for little kids. Needless to say, we didn't stay long.

October 28

Teacher conference day! Ethan has straight M's (He has "mastered" everything they have done so far). He showed me that he can read a book, write a proper sentence, and do addition and subtraction.

We went to USO Family Game night, and there were a bajillion people there. We ate their free food, got Ethan's face painted and got a prize and left to the other Halloween party at the community center. There was 2 bajillion people there! We went on a crazy fast hayride, and Ethan was in the (very unorganized) costume contest. He didn't win, but he got a lot of candy!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27

Today was career day. Ethan went as an Endocrinologist. He liked telling everyone what that is :)


Here he is busy "writing his charts".

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26

Today started out rough...E had a tummyache again, so I called the doctor because it doesn't seem normal to have a tummyache for 5 days. The doctor said it was just a virus, and he felt better after we went, so he went to school for the rest of the day without any issues. I went in to volunteer at the book fair for a few hours, the kindergarteners are so cute :)

Today was black & orange day, so he wore a Halloween shirt.

And here are his Halloween treats he's bringing to school tomorrow..eyeball suckers. Of course, my helper quit after the first three were done! I'm a little sad that we have to bring store bought goodies since there are so many cute Halloween recipes out there, but these are pretty cute too.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 25

Ethan went back to school today, but he said he went to the nurse's office and lay down for a bit. Then ate a cracker, went back to class and cried because his tummy hurt - and they never called me! So annoyed! It was also pajama day, but they never sent anything home about it, so we didn't know :( He was sad because that's his favorite day. Tomorrow is orange and black (school colors) day, which I only know because another mom told me. His teacher sucks at communicating!!

I also got a Barnes & Noble package today (yes, I started my christmas shopping), and opened it up and it was empty!! Spent an hour on the phone with customer service, hopefully they figured it out.

Monday, October 24, 2011

October 23 & 24

We went to our third (and last) pumpkin patch of the season yesterday. Ethan was up sick part of the night, but he felt up to going out to lunch (didn't eat anything) and to the pumpkin patch. He slept most of the ride home, so of course he was up too late last night and didn't want to get up this morning. He stayed home from school today, as he still said his tummy hurt and he didn't really eat much all day. He had half a bowl of noodles for dinner, hoping for a big breakfast tomorrow. He has a 4 day week this week, so I'd hate him to miss any more of it.

His favorite thing at Papa's Pumpkin Patch yesterday was the pumpkin launcher. He was trying to get them through a small hole out in the field, to win a pumpkin. He got close, but didn't make it.Today he laid in bed most of the day, but when he started feeling a bit better we made this cool shrinky dink Halloween tree :) He loves shrinky dinks!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 22

Today we went to Powell Gardens near Kansas City. I bet in the summertime it's gorgeous, but most of the plants were dead today. It was still pretty neat, and it was warmer than I thought it would be. On the way home, Ethan got sick in the car :( so we couldn't go to the haunted hayride tonight that he wanted to, maybe next year. He went to bed voluntarily at 7:00 and didn't want ice cream, so I sure hope he's better tomorrow. Especially since we have a 2 hour ride home!

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 21

Ethan got a 100% on his spelling test, woo hoo! We are at Granny's house this weekend, and tonight made caramel apples. Ethan ate his without caramel (weirdo), he's trying to get his loose tooth to fall out! No success yet, but it is getting looser and looser. I think he may be singing "All I Want For Christmas is my Two Front Teeth" this year!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 20

Tonight at Cub Scouts, we looked at maps and had to find where we live on a World Map, U.S. Map, Missouri Map, County Map & City Map. Then they played a little game and for snack they made ants on a log. I am shocked that Ethan not only tried it, but ate 4 of them! Of course, he wouldn't touch the celery, but they brought toast too :)

We also stopped in the big consignment sale on post. They had almost no clothes in his size, I was hoping to find a winter coat for him, but they had nothing!! He did find a Pokemon DS game for $4!! and an entire bag of Pokemon books for $3, so he was happy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 19

It was so cold today!! I was not prepared for 40* weather, poor Ethan doesn't even have a winter coat yet. I felt like the worst mother ever when all the other kids came out of school with winter coats & mittens and my kid had this thin little fall jacket (well actually he had that in his backpack, b/c he really wanted to make me look bad with NO coat on!) So goal of the next week is to find E a cute winter coat for less than $50. The one I like the best is $78!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 18

Ethan is offically signed up to play basketball! He's totally excited, I don't have the heart to tell him he's too short to dunk :P At the sign up place, they had cheerleader sign ups also....apparently he has some natural ability at that sport, not sure where he learned this.....

It was cold out today, and he got to wear this super cute outfit for the first time. Of course when I picked him up from school he was covered in paint!! All the way to his shoes :( It better come out!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17

Today we attempted to decorate the front of our house. Ethan saw these tombstones at the dollar store and thought they were the coolest thing ever. Unfortunately shortly after this photo was taken, one blew away and we dont know where it went :( They were really light, and we had no way to stick them in the ground (thought they would have some sort of sticks or something in the bottoms). Oh well, it was cool for about 10 minutes.

AHHHH! A Zombie!!!

We did find this disgusting/cool slug. It was the biggest slug I have ever seen, and it left this nasty slimy trail behind it. Bleck!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 16

I was woken up at 6:30 this morning by Mr. Ethan begging me to go carve his pumpkin. I managed to fend him off until 8:30 (Spongebob was on, his latest "favorite" show), but then we got up and carved it. Of course, he won't do any of the actual work because he doesn't like the guts, but he did touch them this year, which is something I guess. He drew on the face too, and popped out the pieces.

Then we had all day to do crafts, so we decided to make jar pumpkins. I did the modge podging and E painted the stems, and drew the faces (which I cut out). I think they turned out super cute!

October 15

Today we went with Ethan's schoolmate, Ty and his mom and brother to the pumpkin patch. E had a ton of fun, it was their first out of school playdate (and Ethan's first playdate ever with a boy! LOL). The pumpkin patch was pretty cool, they had a whole barn full of corn with diggers, and a slide. They had a zipline, corn maze, petting farm, hay ride to pick your own pumpkin, and an awesome pumpkin catapult.

Ethan's favorite thing was the zipline, he went FLYING down it and just wanted to go again and again!

The corn barn, too funny that the "slide" is like this giant cardboard tube. Ethan said a giant must have run out of paper towel.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 14

We are hoping to be making a trip to Disney next year for Ethan's 7th Birthday, so we've been watching all of our favorite Disney movies. This one was Beauty and the Beast (love his Beast socks that Momo brought him last year - so funny!). His singing was cracking me up especially since he doesn't know the words.

Then his socks became his Beast hands...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 13

Thursdays are Cub Scout nights. Ethan is loving being a Cub Scout. Tonight he led the Cub Scout Promise, and the boys played "tiger tag" - no clue what this means, pretty sure its just tag but they pretend to be tigers. Then we went on a nature walk, and Ethan had to find as many different colored and shaped leaves as he could. We found probably 6 or 7 different ones, an acorn, a pinecone (with pokies on it...ouch!) and a walnut. Then they did leaf rubbings with them to put in their scrapbooks.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 12

Spelling test day! Ethan got 4 wrong today, sinc (sink), tuist (twist), vare (very), and yoos (use). On the way home, he knew how to spell twist and sink, so hoping for 100% on Friday! Next week is the end of the first quarter already, hard to believe!

I had to send back E's costume, and they sent me out the smaller size. It should be here in a few days, Ethan is excited, he loves that thing. He was sad he didn't have it to put on today after school.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 11

I have learned my lesson to never buy a Halloween costume on Ebay. After taking a week longer than they said to ship, Ethan's costume arrived today. Only problem is that I ordered a child's 7/8 and got a Teenager Medium (10 -12 I'm guessing?). Anywho, it's huge!! It hangs down to his ankles! He doesn't care a bit though. I'm hoping the seller will correct themselves, but if not we may keep it anyways. Hey, he could always wear it for the next 5 years LOL

I also made my first attempt at cake pops today. They don't look as good as the pictures I see online, but they taste good and for my first try, I don't think they turned out too bad. If you ever make them, remember to keep the balls small b/c if they are too big they will just fall off the stick as soon as you try to dip them in chocolate. I think I may make these for Ethan to bring as his Cub Scout treat next week.

E's still in shorts, it was in the high 70's today. They said it was going to rain, but it hasn't yet!

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10, 2011

Yes, I made him climb in there with all the pumpkins that I had no intention of buying ~ They were sooo expensive!!

His favorite "pumpkin people" - Pokemon!

We had a great time in Kenosha this weekend seeing everyone! I can't believe that it was 80*, I so was NOT prepared for that weather at all! October is supposed to be long sleeves and pants, not shorts and short sleeves! What the heck?!

Saturday we went to the pumpkin farm with Nana, William & Aunt Sam. Ethan had a blast even thought it was soooo busy. My favorite part was the cookies of course, Ethan loved the corn & straw mazes. They also had this super cool built in bouncing "pumpkin pillow" that looked totally neat, but Ethan said it wasn't fun....not sure why. He wanted to go in the Haunted Corn Maze, but we all know I'm a chicken and was not about to go in there with him. I'm pretty sure that he would have hated it as soon as he got in there anyways, or at least I'm going to keep telling myself that so I don't feel like such a mean mom, depriving him of all that scariness and all.

In the corn maze ~ They are pretending to be lost & scared. lol

The pumpkin bouncy thing, you can sort of see them in the middle. I dropped my camera last week and now the zoom doesn't work :( I am horrible with cameras!!