Wednesday, December 8, 2010

3rd, 4th and 5th Days of Christmas!

Ethan being out sick, messed up our teacher gift...she got 3 today :)

For the third day of Christmas, I bring 3 binder clips.

I'm sure it could be tempting to use them on my lips!

For the fourth day of Christmas, dry erase markers come in four.

As my kindergarten teacher, you really help me soar.

For the fifth day of Christmas, some popcorn for a snack.

Sorry, that's all the food I could fit in my backpack!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Visit with Santa

Sunday night our city had a community Christmas party. We went just to see some live reindeer. Sadly, they only had 1 reindeer and they wanted $20 for a picture with the darn thing! Seriously?! I didn't see one person get their photo taken with it, and I'm sure a lot of people didn't even bring money because it was advertised as "free and open to the public". Poor reindeer. Ethan just wanted to go by it, and they wouldn't even let him pet it.

He did get some free cocoa and candy canes, and he got to sit on Santa's lap. He told Santa that he is going to be a doctor when he grows up, that he is usually a good boy, and that he wants Wii Party & Wii Nunchuks for Christmas. We didn't get a good picture, because they just kept chatting. We may go see another Santa on Saturday at the library.

Also, St. Nick came Sunday night. He broke Ethan's stocking holder!! He brought him good stuff though, so I guess he's forgiven. He got a new DS game, a freaky pet, a chocolate penguin, and a lego bin among other things. Daddy got a new toothbrush and some mouthwash because he says naughty words and needs to wash his mouth out.

Monday morning E also woke up with an ear infection :( They put him on penicillin which is the grossiest thing I've ever seen - its like melted yogurt and smells terrible. I feel bad giving it to him. He stayed home from school yesterday and today, but he's going back tomorrow. Thankfully he seems to bounce back as soon as he gets medicine in him.

Today we made some peanut butter cookies and christmas picture frame magnets that Momo brought him. They turned out pretty cute :)

December 7

Santa sent Ethan a message! Check it out....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 4

Our gingerbread house is finished :) Not that the boys helped much except for eating the candy. Ethan did decorate the roof, and told me what colors he wanted on it, but then he took off to play Mario...typical.

Today was day 1 of a 3 week project at Lowe's...he's making a holiday train. For whatever reason, they started with the caboose. He's most excited about the patches because they all fit together to form a "train" of patches.

We also went to see "The Legend of Gahoole" today...lame movie. Ethan could not sit still. Bill liked it though. I fell asleep half way was hard to follow, all the owls looked the same to me. After the movie, we went to Burger King for lunch..E was dying to get a zhu zhu pet happy meal toy...why I have no clue, because he has 2 real zhu zhu pets and NEVER plays with them, but whatever. So he gets a boy one in his meal, and is not happy, so he goes and waits in line with 4 or 5 soldiers and gets up there and asks them if he can trade for a pink one LOL They had one pink one left - the one he wanted most of all, Peachy. So he was a happy camper.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The 2nd day of Christmas

For the second day of Christmas,
your students are busy bees.
You can correct their papers,
with these red sharpies!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2

Momo decorated our house with fake snow today - what a mess! Darn elf! When Ethan got up this morning and saw the bathroom mirror covered with snow, he thought that he had taken a shower....The thought of Momo taking a shower creeps me out lol...

First Day of Christmas

I saw this super cute idea on another blog, and we decided to do it for Ethan's teacher, Mrs. Baker. Each of the next 12 days of school before Christmas break, he is bringing her a small gift, mostly school supplies with a little poem attached. The first day is a clipboard, which we got at Walmart, and then busted out the Modpodge...Ethan had fun decorating it.

For the first day of Christmas, something for you to use.

I'm giving you this clipboard, so your papers you won't lose!