Sunday, June 5, 2016

Day 157 (Ethan's 11th Birthday Party)

Pretty sure Ethan had a good birthday party :)

They had lots of water balloons....(that was an hours worth of me making them and Lincoln popping them)

Party favors to go with the piñata candy

I found Lincoln in the kitchen, eating watermelon. There were about 5 slices with one bite taken out, and then put back on the platter.

 Trying to dump the bucket of water on the birthday boy's head.

Grass Dirt Blocks

The piñata I  made, and my littlest loving hitting it.

Lincoln was more timid than I thought he would be, I thought he would really go to town on it, but he was quite gentle.

Ethan was not as gentle.

Whiff! Daddy thinks he's funny pulling it up when the kids are swinging their hardest.

So. Much. Candy.

This looked much nicer earlier in the day, the balloons kept randomly popping.

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