Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2nd

Snow Day Part 2! We didn't actually get a ton of snow, like everyone else we know, but the snow we do have is like ice. It's impossible to shovel, and is super hard. Of course NOW Bill tells me that he used up all the salt we had last week. GRRR. Wish I would have known so that I could have picked some up.
It has been entertaining trying to watch people get up the hill. I haven't seen anyone make it yet. The neighbors were out there trying to push their car up and it wouldn't budge. Then we saw a little Geo Metro flying backwards trying to make it up - they didn't make it either.

We managed to get outside and go sledding in the front yard. Ethan gets going so fast, that he either ends up in the drainage ditch, or Bill has to throw himself in front of him to stop him. Like any good family fun, it ended when Ethan got hurt. Bill accidentally shoulder checked him in the face when he was trying to catch him. Good times!
He of course recovered quickly, and had lots of cocoa with rainbow marshmallows. Yummy.

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