Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30

We're back! Well, technically we got back home 2 days ago, but I've been sick so I haven't updated yet. We had a lot of fun visiting with everyone back home, and can't wait to do it again in just 3 short weeks! I can't believe it's only 25 days until Christmas already! It's crazy how fast this year flew by.

Here are a few pictures of us with Bill's family up in Milwaukee. We really appreciate being included in the festivities :) Ethan loved being able to swim and play with William! Even if the pool was "evil" and cut his foot open.

Momo is still hanging around. Today he brought Ethan a bar of penguin soap! So cute :) Please forgive the really dorktastic look on Ethan's face in this picture - he was being a booty and didn't want a picture taken.

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