Haircut Day! Lincoln has needed a haircut for weeks, and we were finally set to go get one. We take him to the special kids place (more expensive but he gets to sit in a vehicle, watch movies, get treats, etc) and it's down by Pearl Harbor. So about 30 minutes away. This is what we were working with...
The haircut went great. He sat nice, got to pick a blue lollipop, could see without having to blow hair out of his eyes like a shaggy dog. Then we got back to the van. The first clue that something wasn't right was the remote wouldn't work. None of the doors would unlock. Then we noticed a strange noise coming from it. Not good. We quickly realized we needed to call for help, so Bill did that, and we decided to go wait in McDonald's that was thankfully close by.

Fed the kids, Bill got jumped by whoever the insurance sent, so we went on our way. We got maybe a mile down the road (about to turn onto the interstate) and the car just died on us. In the middle of an intersection. Like completely dead, can't roll down the windows in the 85*, my kids are going to cook in here, dead. All the babies are crying. Lincoln and Harrison just want to go to Chuck E Cheese that we've been hyping up all week (it was their prize for being good). Bill calls for help again, they quote him 2 hours for a tow truck to get there so I call an Uber to take me and the kids home. Super fun Saturday. This was after she ate so she was pretty happy :)
Took an hour and $87 to get us home. The driver was really rude and clearly didn't want me to "waste" his time. Whatever, I didn't want to be in his vehicle either.
They were so happy to be home, that they started cuddling. And that never happens.
ETA: It was the battery. *Hopefully* It's all fixed now, but I'm a little nervous to drive it anywhere. I totally owe them a trip to Chuck E Cheese though.