Monday, September 12, 2016

September 11th

Splash pad Sunday! Harrison gets so excited to go to the splashpad. 21 Months old going on 15. He seems so much older than he is (other than when he wants "milkies"). He's super smart, and funny, and a great dancer. He can count to 5, do all the shapes on the shape ball (super impressive if you ask me), and is starting to talk in phrases.

He runs and runs and runs and just stands under the fountains. I think he would love going to a water park. Hopefully next year when Millie is a bit older we can take them.

Lincoln is less enthusiastic. He gets cold easily, and has to be persuaded to play in the water. ESPECIALLY if there are other kids there, he doesnt' like that at all.

I have no idea why Ethan didn't wear a bathing suit, he always ends up getting wet with them.

 Ethan pulled Link in, and once he was wet he was fine and having fun.

Unimpressed Millie at the splashpad.

46 Days

Clean sheets make Lincoln happy. I asked him today what he was going to ask Santa for and he said "blue sheets"

She looks so itty bitty in the crib.

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