Thursday, May 5, 2016

Day 127 (Beach Day - Bellows)

Beach Day Again! Bill's company had a picnic at the same beach we went to on Sunday, but a little bit farther down. Apparently the half mile down the beach was all we needed for it to be so much better. The sand is softer, smoother, there are bathrooms, and showers and the waves weren't as big.

 We let Ethan play hooky from school.
Harrison was scared of the waves, he didn't want anything to do with the water.

 Sand monster

 Picnic - the Army made tacos for cinco de mayo.

 Sassy brat throwing sand

 Naughty Naughty
 Lincoln liked the waves, he told me it was a great time. Then a huge wave came and took me and him out, he flipped out of the boat. He then needed a rest.

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