Whenever someone asks on facebook what their favorite beach on the island is, I always see people say Bellows. So on our quest to go to 10 different beaches this year, I made Bill drive the hour to Bellows. It was beautiful, but not a good fit for us. The waves were way too big for the littles, it was uber sandy (yes some beaches are sandier than others, I'm not crazy), there were no bathrooms or showers to rinse off, and it was very windy.

Ethan, however, LOVED it. We always go to the "baby" beaches, and he spent 2 hours just playing in the waves.
Umimpressed Harrison in his new puddle jumper. The waves were so big he couldn't go out, but he didn't want to. If the water touched his feet he ran back up to the blanket.
He kept yelling for brobro and was so excited when he finally got out of the water.
You have a little bit of sand on your ear there Harrison.

Link liked getting buried, and made Daddy do it 3 or 4 times.
Not sure what's going on here. Crawling race in the sand?
2 down 8 to go!
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