Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 31

He learned this from his big brothers.

 Ethan was outside playing with his friend, Maja. He asked if he could climb a tree. This is a very un-Ethan thing to ask, so we said sure. Well, it took him about 20 minutes to get up there. He finally got up and we went back to our yard, after I took a picture. About 10 minutes later Maja comes over and says you have to go get Ethan down. We go over there and he is bawling and freaking out. He is so terrified (and he's not that far off the ground) that he won't move. Tears are falling from the tree. He's covered in ants (ewww) and he is not happy. Bill did finally help him down, but we could not stop laughing. I don't think he will be climbing anymore trees. And I wish I had it on video for his future wife.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Day 30

Last fall, it rained for about 3 weeks straight. Everything was flooded, and that included Lincoln's sandbox. The water had gotten in the not quite sealed lid, and it was getting moldy and growing mosquito larvae and snails. (Fun fact, bleach does not kill the mosquitos, I had to use Dawn dishsoap). Needless to say, he wasn't allowed to dig in there. He sort of forgot about it, but then a few weeks ago he started digging up dirt holes all over the yard, so I told him we could get new sand. He reminded me every day that he needed new sand, and today was the day. He was so very happy. Harrison just throws it everywhere, including in his own face. He ended up having to be removed from the yard and put right into a bath because the sand was stuck to his bug sprayed hair, face, and clothes, and in his ear and eye. He was a mess. But he had fun for a bit there.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Day 29

My poor boy has had a rough week. He has a strange spot of hives that I don't know what is causing, he's been hit in the face I don't know how many times by his brothers, and now he has a HUGE mosquito bite on his eye that just keeps swelling more. Ready for a new week!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Day 28

Lincoln is 29 months old today. He loves to sing (usually two words behind because he has to hear them first), play board games & playdoh, his batman toys (though he loves the bad guys more). He can count to 12, does not know any colors no matter how hard I try (everything is white), knows some of his shapes. He just broke his last two molars though, and now has all his baby teeth. He's so big. And smart. And adorable. And exhausting.

Day 27

Splish Splash they were taking a bath...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Day 26

How cute is this outfit? I always hear that girls are more fun to dress than boys, but I disagree. They make such cute boy clothes!
Just splashed himself in the face, and doesn't even care :)

Monday, January 25, 2016

Day 25

My crazy monkeys today...
get down Harrison....

No Link, you aren't a cat

 GET DOWN HARRISON! (He's so proud though, he's waving to me)
Get Down Lincoln
 Time for a snack? What should we get?
This was all within about an hour. Is it bed time yet??

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Day 24

13 weeks pregnant today. #4 is about as big as a hot wheels car. Second trimester starts now,  hoping the headaches go away!!
Another baby? What??
See you #4, I'M the baby!!
Linky said baby 4 is very wittle.
I even made my big kid come out of his room. He was not happy.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

day 23

Baby H had his very first popsicle today. I think he liked it.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Day 22

I think this may be Lincoln's first time in an actual sprinkler (he loved jumping over it), and it was definitely Harrison's first time. He liked it from afar. He did not like it when Link picked it up and sprayed him in the face.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Day 21


So crazy that my Grandma bought this outfit for Lincoln's first birthday and now this guy is fitting in it.
They can never just sit and look at me, and Harrison always seems to not enjoy this lol
They are both fascinated by dirt.

Day 20

Link had a lunch date with his BFF Baymax. Baymax is allowed to sit here, but Harrison is not. Link bought Baymax with some of his Christmas money. You can't see here, but his shirt is Baymax, and his diaper also and he has Baymax sheets. He's a tad in love.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 19

Today was my first doctor's appointment for baby number 4. My entourage was all with me (minus Ethan) for all the fun. After all the invasive stuff, the doctor let Lincoln help her find the heartbeat. At first he didn't know what was going on, and then he heard it. His eyes got so big and he could not get close enough to me. I'm still not 100% sure he knows what's going on, but maybe a little bit.

Here he is patiently waiting for our appointment. I had a terrible headache all day, so I didn't get the good camera out.

Day 18

Ever since he was born, Lincoln has gotten called a girl. Every time we go somewhere, it's she's so cute (while he's dressed in clearly boy clothes, some even go so far as to say I'm a Boy on them). I don't know if it's the curly hair, or the big eyes, or the combo. I find it so ironic that the day he asks me to paint his nails pink like mama's, that he got called a boy at the grocery store.

Side note, if your nail polish is chipping and terrible looking your two year old won't mind when his looks bad too, it just "matches" mama's.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Day 17

Lincoln loves pockets. He gets so excited when he gets dressed in the morning and has pockets in his pants, double points if he has "butt pockets" too and crazy points if his shirt has a pocket. He even gets excited if Harrison has pockets lol. So today we went to the Dole Plantation to get some ice cream, and I gave him 2 quarters to feed the fish to put in his pockets. He was soooo excited. He must have checked 1,000 times to see if it was still in the pocket, and switched it from front to back to shirt over and over.

 He was so proud of himself putting the quarters in the machine after fishing them out of his pocket. He even made it up the stairs without spilling any, very impressive.
Dole Float, so yummy!! Pineapple "ice cream" in pineapple juice. Harrison drank most of mine.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Day 16

Honolulu Zoo
I love this zoo because it's small enough for Lincoln to walk around the whole thing. He does NOT want to ride in the stroller,  he is so opposite of Ethan who wanted a stroller at Disney when he was 8 lol. Hoping he sleeps good tonight, since he got only a short nap today. Harrison has slept through the night the last two nights. Fingers crossed he's going to continue!
 All ready to head into the zoo.
 Had to eat lunch with these disgusting things all around me. There was a little boy chasing them towards us that I wanted to trip.
 He looks like such a kid here, not a baby :(
 Linky loved petting the goats.
 Ethan loved the arctic foxes.
 I always make them take a picture by the giraffes, they are never looking.
 how funny are her back legs? The other one was playing with a ball, throwing it up and catching it. I've never seen that before.
Almost looking, at least facing the right direction LOL