Sunday, January 17, 2016

Day 17

Lincoln loves pockets. He gets so excited when he gets dressed in the morning and has pockets in his pants, double points if he has "butt pockets" too and crazy points if his shirt has a pocket. He even gets excited if Harrison has pockets lol. So today we went to the Dole Plantation to get some ice cream, and I gave him 2 quarters to feed the fish to put in his pockets. He was soooo excited. He must have checked 1,000 times to see if it was still in the pocket, and switched it from front to back to shirt over and over.

 He was so proud of himself putting the quarters in the machine after fishing them out of his pocket. He even made it up the stairs without spilling any, very impressive.
Dole Float, so yummy!! Pineapple "ice cream" in pineapple juice. Harrison drank most of mine.

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