Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 31

He learned this from his big brothers.

 Ethan was outside playing with his friend, Maja. He asked if he could climb a tree. This is a very un-Ethan thing to ask, so we said sure. Well, it took him about 20 minutes to get up there. He finally got up and we went back to our yard, after I took a picture. About 10 minutes later Maja comes over and says you have to go get Ethan down. We go over there and he is bawling and freaking out. He is so terrified (and he's not that far off the ground) that he won't move. Tears are falling from the tree. He's covered in ants (ewww) and he is not happy. Bill did finally help him down, but we could not stop laughing. I don't think he will be climbing anymore trees. And I wish I had it on video for his future wife.

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