So now I've been chasing back and forth trying to switch him into the morning class. It will be every day, Mon - Fri from 8:30 - 11:30. I think that once he gets into it he'll like it a lot better. The kids will all be his age (he's the oldest in the class he's in right now) and they are working on things more on his level - writing & sounds of letters, simple math, etc.
Only problem is they won't let me switch him for 2 weeks so now he has 2 more weeks in this class and then he'll start in the new class. I feel kind of bad to make him go into a class where he doesn't know anyone and start all over again, but like I said, I think it will be better for him in the long run. His teacher said that he doesn't really connect with the kids in his class because they are all younger. He will still have the same teachers, so that will help.
Our caterpiller is still alive - we gave him some fresh leaves today. He sort of looks a different color - more of a dark reddish brown. Not sure what that means.
We went to see "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" this weekend in 3D. It was ok, Ethan sat really nice and liked it. It's storming here right now and he keeps looking out the window to see if there is a spaghetti tornado coming LOL The movie was much better than the book - which we gave to Goodwill after reading once. I remember reading it when I was little and liking it though - guess I didn't have good taste.
Oh, something else cute he asked this weekend. He wanted to know if there was any color in Kansas. I guess he was paying attention when we watched "The Wizard of Oz".
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