and now we're bored :P Last week we kept pretty busy with school & soccer. I attempted to teach myself to sew, and ended up with a Halloween rag quilt & some bathroom curtains that don't look half bad woo hoo. Going to stick to sewing straight lines for a while though.
Saturday we went over to Springfield to the mall, but didn't find anything good. I'm still bitter that they don't have a GAP there, it's just wrong. What mall doesn't have a GAP?! We did stop at Hobby Lobby and pick up some fabric. Mom helped me recover the kitchen chairs so they don't look so disgusting. Now I have to find a way to keep them clean. I think I'm going to cover Ethan's in plastic - he seems to think that a chair is his napkin - even when his actual napkin is sitting in front of him.
Sunday we spent a few hours in the ER. E had this weird looking thing on his leg that I was afraid was a bug bite of some kind. It kept getting bigger, so we took him in. Turns out it is ringworm - gross!! Not sure where he picked it up - thinking either at school or at the fair from the dirty rides. But it's already looking much better - and should be cleared up by the weekend.
Soccer was terrible last night. E was being sooo naughty!! Sitting on the field, laying on the field, kicking the cones, picking up the cones and looking through them, putting grass in the cones, he was on the wrong field half the time, stuck in the net, not listening to his coaches....ugh. So he's not having video games today b/c he can't listen. It's sure to be a long day, but video games is the only thing he seems to care about these days, so hopefully he'll listen better tomorrow.
Bill is due back sometime Friday or Saturday as far as I know. He can't call us this week b/c they are out in the field doing something. We're still not sure if we'll come home this weekend with my parents. I would feel bad leaving the day he got home, so I guess it depends when he actually gets here. Hopefully I'll find out on Wednesday.
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