It's a good thing we didn't venture to Kenosha this weekend - E is sick. He's had a fever & headache since Thursday night and now a tummy ache too. I just got him to eat some yogurt - but other than that he has not eaten much in the past 2 days - a sandwich yesterday - well ok, a bun with butter on it. If he still is sick tomorrow I'm going to take him to the DR Monday. Ever since he started school with these dirty army kids I tell ya. First ringworm, now this!
So Daddy moved the TV into his room so he can lay down and watch some movies. He wants to play gamecube, but I'm not sure if I'm going to let him, he gets too excited :P
Bill got home at 2 am. Thankfully one of his friends gave him a ride home, so I didn't have to get E up in the middle of the night. He graduated from his class thingy that he was gone for so that should help when he goes to the board for his promotion next month. Yay!!
I found an old memory card from my old old camera when cleaning yesterday, and popped it in the computer. Pictures of baby Ethan...he was so chubby :)
Hope everyone has a good Labor Day weekend! Pretty sure we're going to be at home.
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