Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 29th

We just squeaked in our one beach a month goal. It was a yucky, rainy day, but our power was scheduled to be out until 5 pm and I could not sit in the house with the crazies all day. It rained the whole way we were driving there, so we decided we would just let the kids play in the sand and eat lunch, but it ended up being beautiful, and there was almost no one else there.

First touch of ocean! She liked it :)

He liked looking for "treasure". He found driftwood, a shell, a crab claw, and some crabs.

 sleepy baby

 almost all looking. I tried to trick them and asked how many fingers I was holding up to get them to look, but then Harrison copied me

jump! and repeat

3....4....3.... jump!

his hulk pose

 lazy boy

that hair!!

Happy to not be getting sunscreened anymore

Testing the waters when we got there, not too cold!

We bought this bathing set the day after we found out we were having a girl. I think I paid full price. No regrets, it's sooooo cute!!

see the fishy?

One different beach a month - check 1 out of 12
Hickam Airforce Beach

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