We went on an "E-venture" today. We decided we were going to go fishing & try out E's new pole he got for his birthday. Luckily one of Bill's friends from work knew where we could go, because last time we tried to fish we drove around for like 4 hours and never found any water :P
So we get into the middle of no where (aka 5 minutes from our house, although it took us 20 b/c we got lost several times going down the dirt roads) and get all our stuff unpacked, and all E wants to do is eat. He sits down on the blanket and informs us that he's not fishing, he's only eating. OK, E.
Bill gets the poles ready to go, and sets to cast out the first one - into a tree. Lost one bobber, hook, line, whatever. Ethan thinks this is hilarious as there are like 10 bobbers hanging in this tree and he thinks it's a bobber tree LOL
Round two - about 20 minutes go by with no bites, nothing. E is still eating his lunchable on the blanket, and Bill finally has his pole ready to go after the tree incident. Casts it off, and catches a fish in like 2 seconds. No fair!! Ethan thinks this is disgusting, and will not go anywhere near the fish.
About an hour into fishing (and eating and drinking a ton of juice), I finally catch a little bluegill. Again, he won't go near it, well neither do I, but aren't little boys supposed to like fish & bugs & worms? Ethan is so not feeling the worms or fish, or the bugs flying around. He did like the dragonflies b/c they had pretty colors though.
A while later E wanted chips, so I give him the pole to hold, and go to the car to get him chips. I come back, and he says "I caught a big fish!" Bill says, no it's just a plant, so I go to pull it up and he has the cutest little baby fish on the line. Woo hoo! E caught one! And since it was a baby one, he let me take his picture holding the line.
Two hours and lots of sun, and E hooking us both once (me in the arm, Bill in the finger) and we each caught a fish, so we were happy. Now we're home and the Envoy needs a bath from the dirt roads.'
Oh, and I almost forgot, E got to pee on a tree today which we had to talk him into for about an hour, but then once he did thought it was fun and wanted to do it again....
And also, Happy Birthday Uncle Paul! Ethan said you like fishing, so he didn't have to take any more pictures today :)
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