Bill's brother, Cory, is down to visit for the weekend, so we headed out to the zoo in Springfield today. I did enjoy the free parking, until I discovered that they allow the nasty disgusting peacocks to roam free around the parking lot. Not cool!!!
The actual zoo was nice (aside for the peacocks, peahens and peachicks!). It was very woodsy, and mellow. There was a little station by most of the major animals, were if you put a key in, it would play a song about the animal & tell you a little about it. E loved it!
The river otters were E's favorites, they are so cute, and the song talked about how they never grow up and play games all day. E liked to watch them go down the water slides & play follow the leader :) He watched them play for a good 10 minutes.
He also got his face painted (he picked a bee, as usual), and we fed the giraffes which was cool. E actually did it himself this time! They had 2 cute little baby ones, but they weren't tall enough to reach the platform, so he fed the "old" one he named Granny.
They had pretty much every animal you could want to see, except for penguins. It was a decent sized zoo, not like Racine zoo with its 10 animals. We would have headed over to the St. Louis Zoo since it's free, and bigger, but it's an extra hour drive (one way), so maybe sometime next spring.
We also stopped at a mall (woo hoo!!) on the way home, but they didn't have what I was looking for. But now we know (sort of) where we can find one. And the GPS didn't get us lost today, that's kind of a miracle.
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