Took the Envoy out for a drive today. We set out to go to the St. Louis Zoo, but it was raining, so we stopped at the Meramec Caverns which is about half way between here & St. Louis. It is the place where Jesse James used to hide out after he robbed trains apparently. Can't really imagine what it was like being pitch black in there back in the day with only a lantern. It has electricity throughout now. It was still really cool though. Ethan says he was scared, but he wasn't at the time. There were some very cool formations. The last one was the oldest one in the world I do believe he said, it is 75 million years old!! And very cool looking.
On the way back, there was this run down shack looking thing that said they had live aligators. So we pull over (since E didnt' get to go to the zoo) and it ended up being some crazy farm type thing with a lion (yes a grown male lion that our "tour guide" let lick her face!), 2 tigers, goats, emus, an entire room full of snakes that you could pet or hold, baby gators you could hold (E pet one, but didnt' want to hold it), tarantulas, turtles, frogs. It was crazy! And the people there were actually crazy. Our "tour guide" was some girl with piercings all over that was in love with snakes and for her birthday wanted to be bit by one.
E's favorite animal was the chickens, they were just runnign around loose. He was hoping there would be peacocks (evil child!), but there wasn't. Have to admit I was worried for a while when all these crazy animals were just popping up. Can a small aluminum fence hold in a lion??
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