Sorry it's dark, our house is just that way & I don't know how to turn on the light/flash when I'm videoing.
Bill is back from Indiana. Not sure what he accomplished there, he says he did nothing while everyone else trained. Seems pointless to me, but I guess he's just there in case a vehicle breaks.
Today is Elvis's birthday too - he's 3 years old. I made him some treats & he really likes them, so I think I'll make them from now on. Nothing gross in them & cheaper to bake them than buy them.
This was our family craft this weekend - I hung them up in our snowman themed bathroom. Can you guess who's is whose? LOL Ethan's has black snow, 4 arms, 4 legs & an orange cloud. I'm not sure what the white stuff on the sides is supposed to be.

And here is the craft E wanted to make this weekend - he apparently loves peacocks now - I'm pretty sure just to freak me out!!