Monday, August 29, 2016

Lincoln's 3rd Birthday!!

My big old 3 year old boy started off his birthday by falling out of bed at 6 am and screaming like he was dying. I found him in the middle of the room somehow, he said his butt hurt, but he went back to sleep until after 8 (he NEVER sleeps that late).

He also was lucky enough for a trip to the grocery store (in one of his new shirts)

He got this awesome teepee which we forgot to set up the night before so I had to quickly try to build. It had no directions, but I got it. I think Harrison enjoyed it as much as Link did. (well when Link will let him in there)

This kid loves infomercials. He was very excited about the hover ball (It's from the TV!!) and some draw on jammies my mom got him.

Star Wars playdoh! He LOVES playdoh!

32 days old

Ms. Millie even smiled for Lincoln's birthday :)

He was supposed to have a Batman birthday, but switched it on me last minute, so my attempt at a Blaze cake. Blaze also called to wish him a happy birthday which he thought was pretty cool.

Attacking me with bubbles with his new ninja turtle bubble blower.

Spaghetti & snakeballs for dinner - he wanted his meatballs in snake shape

 I think she's his favorite sister

Ethan picked a random present from the pile and told Link it was from him. That was his giant thank you, none of the rest of us got a hug that big!

They liked blowing out the candles

but not as much as they like eating cake

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