Playing video games, what else?!

Cory had to leave back to Wisconsin today. We drove him over to St. Louis, and then had to drive back to Sedalia to my parent's house because we are going to see "Disney on Ice" with them tomorrow. Spent probably about 6 hours in the car, not super fun, but I told E he has to practice for driving to Disney World. It was beautiful out today, low 70s, so I let him wear shorts. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 30s! What the heck?!

These are the hatch an easter pet eggs that Auntie Heather & Aunt Kate got Ethan. We put them in water 2 days ago, and they are hatching into some sort of gross looking blobs :P We think one is supposed to be a chicken, and the other a bunny, but it's hard to tell.
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