Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Bill's brother Cory is down for the week visiting, and I finally got all 3 boys away from the video games and out of the house for a bit. We went bowling this afternoon - Ethan did pretty well with his "granny" style of throwing the ball - it only got stuck once. They were running specials today and we won 3 free games of bowling, and E got to pick a chocolate coin out of the pot of gold.

Before we left for bowling, I had spiked up Ethan's hair with green hair gel. Bill somehow got the bright idea to put some of the gel in his "beard" - I use the term loosely as it's just a few days of not shaving. Well, the gel is more of glue and is very thick - needless to say it looked super funny.

For his St. Patrick's Day present, we got him a rainbow projector for his room. It's pretty nifty, would be better if he would sleep on the top bunk so it could project onto the ceiling, but it still is pretty neat on the bottom bunk too.

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