Thursday, August 12, 2010

How did this happen?

I'm fairly certain I just had a baby, so how is it that I just dropped said baby off at Kindergarten?!!

Last night E informed me that I better not cry, because grownups only cry when they are bleeding. He's so loving. I did manage not to cry yet, but the day is going to be very long. He's only been gone a half hour and the house is soooo quiet. Elvis is sleeping in his bed, maybe he misses him too.

His teacher's name is Mrs. Baker. It's her first year teaching, so hopefully she knows what she's doing LOL He likes her so far, and told her she is beautiful when he met her last night. I'm not worried about E, he makes friends easily and is nice to everyone :) So unlike his mother!!

All ready to go!

Penguin Backpack he picked out.

Hanging up his backpack in his cubby. He's happy that his friend Chloe is right next to him, although they don't sit together. He is in the "tiger" section, and Chloe is an "elephant".

He's probably going to be mad because the first thing he had to do was color, and he HATES coloring!!

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