Today we went to see the movie "How to Train Your Dragon". Ethan has a chore/responsability chart, that he gets to pick his reward for if he gets so many stars. The past few weeks he's been getting money to bring to Disney, but this week he wanted to go see the movie. It was a cute movie, and the 3D was much better than the other 2 movies we saw in 3D. It didnt' give me a headache at all, and it was a really clear picture. He now wants to trade Elvis for a pet dragon OR get Elvis some wings so he can fly :P So here is his impression of a dragon....

You should totally dress Elvis as a dragon for halloween :) I heard it was a cute movie !
I would, but he won't keep any costumes on...last year I got him a devil one to match Ethan and he ripped it within 2 minutes lol
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