It is cold here!!! I thought we moved farther South to get warmer weather, what the heck. Last night we went to Walmart and it was SNOWING out. Not cool!! I know it's December but it was in the 60s last week...this morning it was 20*!! On the plus side, E looks so cute in his hat & gloves all bundled up :)

Bill's battalion had it's Christmas party tonight. There wasn't much there, we waited in line for food for probably 30 minutes, then Ethan played in the bouncy house with his friend Lily until Santa got there. Santa came, the kids did pictures & got a bag full of candy from him. That was cute...they also took pictures and printed them up for us. Just have to say, I'm glad that I told him ahead of time that it wasn't the REAL Santa because he wanted to know why he had brown eyebrows when his hair & beard is white. I'm telling you, this kid is too observant!!